What is an Enduring Question?
At Premise, we believe that living a more examined life begins with asking the right questions—those that challenge our views, inspire reflection, and spark meaningful conversations. These are Enduring Questions, inquiries that transcend time and guide us toward deeper understanding.
How do we balance personal freedom with responsibility to others? How does technology shape our humanity? Is there meaning in suffering? Where do we belong in the natural world? Is there something beyond us?How much control do we really have? How do we know what’s fair? How do we come to know things? How does love shape us? Does thinking about death lead to a good life? Do we all see beauty differently? Can a government balance power and virtue?
The Power of Enduring Questions
How do we define truth in a complex world? What makes a friendship last?
Enduring questions get at the heart of the human experience. Whether pondering individual or societal issues, these questions challenge us to think critically and engage deeply. Enduring questions resonate across cultures and generations, remaining relevant throughout our lives.
These questions inspire us to explore different viewpoints and engage in conversations that truly matter.
At Premise, we aim to shift the focus from answers to questions. We live in a society that often prioritizes quick answers over thoughtful exploration. By starting with an enduring question, we open the door to a more thoughtful and examined life.
Some of the Enduring Questions We Explore

How do we balance personal freedom with responsibility to others?

How does technology shape our humanity?

Is there meaning in suffering?

Where do we belong in the natural world?

Is there something beyond us?

How much control do we really have?

How do we know what’s fair?

How do we come to know things?

How does love shape us?

Does thinking about death lead to a good life?

Do we all see beauty differently?

Can a government balance power and virtue?
Rooted in Tradition,
Updated for Modern Life
Our approach is rooted in a rich history of intellectual exploration. From the Socratic dialogues of ancient Greece to the French salons and the Harlem Renaissance, the tradition of shared inquiry has always been about more than just finding answers. It’s about the journey of exploration and the growth that comes from it. At Premise Institute, we bring this tradition into the modern world, making it accessible to everyone.