Upcoming Online Sessions
- Wed, May 28Portland, OR, USA
- Thu, Mar 13Online Session
- Sun, Feb 09Online Session
- Thu, Jan 16Steeplejack Brewery

"I greatly appreciate the supplemental enrichment resources shared after each course. They help me learn more on my own."
-Student, What is home?
What Our Participants Say
"This was really fun, a bunch of people brought in perspectives on the work that I hadn’t considered. I’ve been wanting to join previous meetings and was thrilled to be in on this one. Thanks for hosting!"
-Student, What is feminist power?
What Our Participants Say
"I was pleasantly surprised to find that everyone stayed on topic and addressed the instructors questions directly, rather than doing a segue into talking about their cats, which often happens on zoom classes."
-Student, How will the pandemic shape us?
What Our Participants Say
"The instructors' knowledge-base is truly admirable, and I appreciate the breadth, and care given to the discussion. Also, the attention to details during the discussion are commendable. The world needs more of this."
-Student, Where does happiness come from?
What Our Participants Say
"Overall I loved the book choice and really liked the sense of community within the group. It felt like a bunch of friends (who had never met before!) getting together to chat and it was a highlight of my day."
-Student, Does Our Work Define Us? Should It?
What Our Participants Say
"Too darn short. So much to discuss; so little time. I would have happily spent another hour or more talking with tonight’s participants about their impressions of this novel. (Am hoping this is received as the compliment that is intended.)"
-Student, What is love?
What Our Participants Say
"I really appreciated the diversity of the attendees - both with respect to age and gender. I also wanted to say that I admired the way the instructor led the discussion and kept everything on track, crystallizing ideas and discussion points - it's such a difficult job and it worked so well."
-Student, Should I stay or should I go?
What Our Participants Say
"Premise is a great idea. And, its the right time in life for a program like this because the world feels so disconnected."
-Student, What does it mean to feel alone?
Our Students Say it Best
Upcoming Online Sessions
- Sat, Mar 22Online Session
- Sun, Mar 30Online Session
- Sun, Apr 13Online Session
We're Expanding Our Horizons
We're excited to announce that Premise is expanding to new cities in 2025, bringing our unique learning experiences to even more curious minds across the country. As we grow, we’re actively seeking Founding Chapter Leaders to join us in building this growing community and shaping the future of Premise across the U.S., both in-person and online.
Every Premise session begins with an enduring question that delves into the essence of being human. These questions spark curiosity, ignite deep thought, and encourage meaningful reflection.
Participants engage with carefully selected works—readings, films, and visual art. These works are thought-provoking and relevant.
Small sessions bring together diverse participants. Skilled facilitators guide thoughtful discussions, valuing listening over debate, creating a space where everyone’s voice is heard.
Premise is different.
Learn and grow, one conversation at a time.
Premise offers a unique blend of joyful, purposeful, and unpretentious learning experiences, led by experienced facilitators. Our sessions bring together adults from all walks of life, committed to exploring life's big questions and buoyed by the sense of community that comes from learning together.
Small sessions bring together diverse participants. Skilled facilitators guide thoughtful discussions, valuing listening over debate, creating a space where everyone’s voice is heard.
Participants engage with carefully selected works—readings, films, and visual art—that bring the question to life. These materials are thought-provoking, and relevant to the enduring question at hand.
Every Premise session begins with an enduring question that delves into the essence of being human. These questions spark curiosity, ignite deep thought, and encourage meaningful reflection.
Every Premise session begins with an enduring question that delves into the essence of being human. These questions spark curiosity, ignite deep thought, and encourage meaningful reflection.
Participants engage with carefully selected works—readings, films, and visual art—that bring the question to life. These materials are thought-provoking, and relevant to the enduring question at hand.
Small sessions bring together diverse participants. Skilled facilitators guide thoughtful discussions, valuing listening over debate, creating a space where everyone’s voice is heard.
Choose your learning experience.